Friday (1995)

This is my post about the movie

Personally I'm not a big fan of Ice Cube's acting but this is quite good actually. In fact until i watched it for a second time i didn't realise it had Chris Tucker in it as Craig's (Ice Cube) hilarious sidekick.

Smokey (Chris Tucker) is the worst drug dealer ever. Long story short he gets in some trouble owing some money which lands them both in trouble. But it's not the storyline that makes this movie so good it's the cast and how they make an everyday Friday in da hood so entertaining to watch.

"I know you don't smoke weed, I know this. But I'm gonna get you high today cause it's Friday, you ain't got no job and you ain't got shit to do." Truer words have never been spoken my brother LOL.

Click on the link below to view this DVD quality movie

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